Saturday, October 25, 2008

week 9 - Creative Idea Generation

I agree with the text book about the keys to idea generation. It is important to prepare for the brainstorming session so that the session is successful and the end result is fruitful. I am in complete agreement with the process of brainstorming mentioned in the text book. It is also very important that all the employees should feel free and have no fear of anyone while the brainstorming so that they are able to think out of the box and generate ideas. Another aspect that i felt was not mentioned in the text book was the appreciation of idea. I believe it is important to appreciate so that one is aware that his/her ideas are appreciated and this would allow them to be more creative and confident.


Professor Cyborg said...

A few weeks ago I finished writing the chapter on creativity for the small group book my spouse and I are working on. Brainstorming is one way to foster creativity, but in the reading I did, I found so many more such as brainwriting (silent brainstorming in which participants write down ideas on paper), excursion technique (uses the image of a journey and the use of analogies to come up with new ideas), lotus blossom technique (a structured form of brainstorming), and nominal group technique (in which group members develop ideas on their own and then come together as a group to vote on them). And that's just a few of the strategies I read about. The science of creativity is really pretty fascinating.

Mansoor said...

Yes, very true. Earlier I used to think in one direction, trying to find creativity in things that I already had decided in my mind. That happened to be very tough for me to persue. Then in my high school one of my teachers taught me this technique to write essays. That day and this day, I have been successfully using it in finding my options in all matters of my life and then I realized that life has a lot more to offer than we just concentrate our minds on. If given a little more space and flexibility great ideas can come our way and make us stand out from others in creativity.

charlemagne said...

After taking Small Group Communication, Comm 241, I found nominal group technique the most appealling. But brainstorming has its benefits. And I was suprised to learn that there are actually formulaic steps to the brainstorming process. The common sense understanding of brainstorming is simple a collection of people throwing ideas out there. And while that is certainly part of the process, and the crucial part, there are other steps involved. And I do think that the freedom stressed in the process in beneficial when searching for solutions or new ideas. So often we get stuck in familiar paths that new, fresh functional, necessary ideas are shackled.