Friday, October 17, 2008

week 8 - Power

I agree with most of the statements about power given in the beginning of the 9th chapter, however i am in agreement that with power comes corruption. I am from India and I have seen this happen all the time, if people have to get any work done from the officials or any authority, it is very common that the officials have to be bribed. It is very sad but true in case of India. I believe that corruption is more common at a more higher level such as politicians etc. I think power gives an authority that can be misused very easily. A person has to be ethically very strong to be able to resist corruption and not to misuse power. I need we need more people in the world who truely understand the meaning of power and not misuse it.


Sree said...

I am from India as well and it is very common in India for people to stereotype by saying the more power you have the more money you make through corruption. Even though there are people who are very ethical it is very sad that lot of people think everything is corrupt. Power comes with responsibility and people ideally should not misuse their power and understand the value of it. I think to change this the society as a group needs to try to educate people from very young age and make people understand the importance of ethics.

zamoradesign said...

Power and corruption are victims of greed and they thrive on the rewards of status. The world has many pockets of greed festering in small villages and in tall skyscrapers. Man is not immune to the lure of greed.

I think that your idea of meeting the seeds of greed at an early age may give our society a chance of experiencing less greed. The cooperative team concepts we have discussed in recent chapters give one hope that we may have the tools to make a difference. Teaching our children to be collaborators and build a better place for all may chip away at greed’s slime. If we model for our children and colleagues the leadership qualities that look to enhance our society and not increase our checkbooks, then we have done something positive.