Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week 8 – Power of Authority

I agree with the text book about the three sources of power. Information and knowledge , persons in authority , instrumentalities such as architecture, technology and capital are ones mentioned in the text book. An example that i can think of for a person in authority is an graduate or undergraduate adviser. In my first semester i had taken a course that was not an elective or a core of my department and so my adviser said that he would not consider it and because i had crossed the drop date i would have to take that course anyway. I approached to him again and asked him again the next semester if he would consider it, all he said was write an application and that he would consider it. He changed his decision which was very good for me but he could totally do that without having to answere anyone. He has the power to accept or reject of course on valid reasons but him being the adviser gives him the power to take such decision

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