Thursday, October 23, 2008

week 9 - Conflict

The text book has mentioned five different types of conflict and all of which i agree with. Conflict is very common to arise between two people or a group, where there are opinions there is conflict as it is not always necessary that people will agree with one another. The text book has made an interesting point about how conflict can be beneficial. It is a commonality that everyone dislikes conflict and has a negative attitude towards it. But i agree with the text book that conflict gives opportunity to release build-up tension, helps generate creative thinking and even strengthens relationship. It is a fact that it is not very pleasant to face conflict but the result of it may be good and may lead to better results and help in decision making

1 comment:

zamoradesign said...

I believe that your idea of conflict bringing us "good and may lead to better results” is rather insightful. While we may cringe at the prospect of entering into a conflict, my experience has been that after the conflicting event the air becomes clear. We become more confident over the experience. Sometimes we may even gain some respect from those that did not share our ideas. We may also gain some perspective on an idea we may not have entertained. We may also face the notion that we should not communicate with this individual again. Now you see, if you didn’t experience that conflict you’d be wasting your time thinking about having this conflict.