Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week 6 - Struggling to be heard

The text book gives us a very good example of advertising messages and the amount of money that is spent on them. Advertising is a method of marketing products and if the companies/ organizations wants to be heard, advertising media is one of the best way. It is amazing how this costs so much. A month ago I saw the most expensive advertisement by Honda for Accord Car and I must say the commercial looks great but the question would be was it really required for them to do this just to be heard. Well this commercial did get everyone talking and was noticed but do you think it really payed off, I mean did people went and bought the car just because the commercial looked great. Well for one thing, they did get a place for themselves in Guinness book of world records for the most expensive commercial.


cathyblog08 said...

I, too, often ask myself the same question. Years ago, I heard that having Cindy Crawford advertise for Pepsi actually increased the sales significantly for Pepsi and they were able to directly link Cindy's appearance with the increase of sales. Therefore I think that great advertisement actually does make a difference and increases sales. At the same time, I understand why this would be the case for a product that cost a few dollars but I am not sure it works the same way for more expensive items like cars. If I'd like my next car to be an hybrid, it would not matter to me how great the Accord Car commercial would be. I'd still would not buy the Accord. So in that case, the millions spent would be a waste of money for people like me.

Mansoor said...

Advertisements are made keeping in mind the demand of the public the product is aimed at. It is a common sight to see public figures used in advertisements, be it models or actors or even sports personalities, like Maria Sharapova modeling in a commercial for digital cameras. The glamor quotient is vital in today's media driven society so companies deem in necessary to have some famous face in their ads to ensure commercial success. But it is not a 100% proven formula as it can fail in some instances but most of the time it works. For example, having Cindy Crawford in a Pepsi commercial is an ad made to succeed because every one has an approach towards Pepsi. Every one would want to drink what she is drinking but if the same was applied to a Lamborghini commercial it'll produce a sensation but no indifference in sales or profits.