Thursday, October 30, 2008

week 10 - Globalization

Globalization is a term that is used most frequently in today's world. Globalization has a very great impact in the organizations today. It is often seen that the a project are handled by a team who may be from different cities or countries working together, without having to meet in person but by the utilization of the modern communication. Another important effect of globalization that i believe is very common is outsourcing. It is seen that most of the companies outsource their customer services to countries such as India etc where the man power is not very expensive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Globalization is a fascinating subject that requires attention, especially in today’s global economy. I agree with you that globalization has a large impact on many companies today. It seems that most large companies in the U.S. are outsourcing labor to other parts of the world, namely customer service to India due to cheaper labor. The thing about globalization is that different countries have different cultures and ways of handling problems as well as acceptable norms of communication. Your example of a team project comprised of individuals from different countries working together is great. These individuals must effectively communicate with one another by using different communication mediums.