Saturday, November 22, 2008

week 13- Efficiency

It is essential for the organization to be efficient if they want to satisfy their client. They have to make sure that their supply matches the demand and that they are able to deliver the service or products in the time requested. If an organization is efficient they gain the confidence of the customers and in turn the can make profits for them selfs. They need to concentrate in maximizing output for the given input.

1 comment:

zamoradesign said...

In Cheney et al. chapter seven, Leadership Old and New, p.201, they write about the characteristics of vision statements and how they create "effective" leadership. If the organization is going to succeed in being effective, they need leadership that understands the goals of the company and creates a pathway towards achieving success. In Box 7.11, Characteristics of Leadership Visions, they list some characteristics for a vision statement to be effective: (here are just a few) "Content: The vision... is future oriented, but respects the past; embodies standards of excellence and high ideals... Delivery, Style, and Use: The vision... is visual; it captures the imagination with word pictures; uses figurative language, such as metaphors, contrast, spin, stories, and catchy phrases." By developing a vision statement that embodies the concept of 'efficiency' leadership can go a long way in making sure that the entire organization is on the same path.