Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 11 - Interviews

The text book talks about the strength and weakness of conducting interviews. The strength of conducting an interview is that one can gain knowledge of beliefs, values, personal experience of the participant. In case the interviewer has any ambiguity or difficulty in understand any part, he/she can ask questions and clear any doubt. Besides the strengths the text book points out a very interesting disadvantage which is the reliability of the information. As the interviews are more interactive, each interview will be different from the other. It could get difficult to analyze the information because the experiences of people on a same issue might be different and in such condition it can get difficult to come to conclusion.

1 comment:

zamoradesign said...

When I've conducted interviews I've tried to stay focused on the task at hand. Part of my strategy is to create a rapport that is professional and approachable. If I maintain an even keel between each interviewee, then I can be more objective and ask the appropriate follow-up questions. I need to be an observer of non-verbal clues. I need to be a good listener and understand their path of reasoning. Choosing an individual to bring to your team (organization) is an important responsibility. The effects on the organization can be tremendous. Finally, I believe that we should be open to the internal feelings that we get when we interact with the individual. If we pay attention to this intuitive voice, we may be connecting with the "right person" for the job.