Saturday, November 8, 2008

Week 11 - Managing Race in an Organization

In today's global world it is often seen that people of different colors working together and hence it is very important for the organization to manage the culture well. I believe that organizations should have a culture that treats all the employees equally without any racial discrimination. It is also very important for the management to make sure that employees do not have differences amongst each other based on race. One of my friend who is from computer science said that a professor said it openly in the class that Indians should not be allowed to come to do master's in US just because one the Indian student was not able to answer his question in class. Now this kind of a behavior is just not acceptable and this could probably influence other non Indians in the class and they would probably act in a certain way. So it is very important for people at the higher level to take more responsibility and act more maturely.

1 comment:

Sree said...

I agree with you, people who are in a position that can influence other peoples thinking need to be very careful about what they say. I had a similar experience recently. I am from India, recently my 6 year old niece who was born in US was asking if she is American or Indian. I asked her why she wants to know, then she told me that one of friends in school was telling her that its not her country and she is from India. I asked her what she thinks and her answer was that she is American as she is born in San Jose and only goes to India for holidays. I had a very difficult time answering her follow up questions like why the other kid is saying like that and why he says as her parents are from India she is Indian etc., as i did not want to creative any negative information about the other kid in her mind.
I think the other kid might have listened to someone talking about this it has influence his thinking.