Saturday, November 22, 2008

week 13- Efficiency

It is essential for the organization to be efficient if they want to satisfy their client. They have to make sure that their supply matches the demand and that they are able to deliver the service or products in the time requested. If an organization is efficient they gain the confidence of the customers and in turn the can make profits for them selfs. They need to concentrate in maximizing output for the given input.

week 13- Creativity in leader

Creativity in managers and leaders is essential and i believe it is not a very easy task. It is important for leaders to be creative in their management skills and always bring new and improved ways of having group activities. We have elected a new president in the united states and the president has promised many things and when one reads about his ideas and thoughts one clearly can understand that he has a lot of potential and has many plans but just the talking never helps. He has to be creative and come up with a kind of leadership that will him accomplish his promises.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 13- promotions

Organizational culture is a very important topic in todays international market. It is interesting to see how people from all over the world are working together. I think motivation is the key to getting things done from the employees no matter where they are from, they need to be motivated well like for example if the organization offers promotion on the basis of seniority then thats no motivation for people who are new. So i believe an organization should develop a culture where the promotion is given on the basis of performance and not seniority.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 13- Organizational identification

The text book talks about the importance of organizational identification. It gives examples of the way companies use the medium of advertisements make an identity and it is a medium for them to endorse their products as well. Another way companies make an identity is by making use of catchy slogans. I believe it is very essential for the companies to have their own identity so that customers get familiar with the company and that helps them take decisions about their product brand.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Week 11 - Making teamwork work

A very important part of teamwork is getting things done and working towards reaching the goals. To be able to achieve this it is important that the goal, mission and vision be clear to the entire team. Necessary steps should be taken to reach that goal. What I have seen in my project teams is that the deadlines are not met. It is important to make the rules clear and not let anyone take the work for granted. All the members have to be at the same level in understanding and should be motivated to put in the hard work that is required.

Week 11 - Managing Race in an Organization

In today's global world it is often seen that people of different colors working together and hence it is very important for the organization to manage the culture well. I believe that organizations should have a culture that treats all the employees equally without any racial discrimination. It is also very important for the management to make sure that employees do not have differences amongst each other based on race. One of my friend who is from computer science said that a professor said it openly in the class that Indians should not be allowed to come to do master's in US just because one the Indian student was not able to answer his question in class. Now this kind of a behavior is just not acceptable and this could probably influence other non Indians in the class and they would probably act in a certain way. So it is very important for people at the higher level to take more responsibility and act more maturely.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 11 - Interviews

The text book talks about the strength and weakness of conducting interviews. The strength of conducting an interview is that one can gain knowledge of beliefs, values, personal experience of the participant. In case the interviewer has any ambiguity or difficulty in understand any part, he/she can ask questions and clear any doubt. Besides the strengths the text book points out a very interesting disadvantage which is the reliability of the information. As the interviews are more interactive, each interview will be different from the other. It could get difficult to analyze the information because the experiences of people on a same issue might be different and in such condition it can get difficult to come to conclusion.

Week 11 - Language

Language is an important part of any culture. It is seen that people who speak the same language have a different bond and can connect to each other easily. So i believe it is a good idea for an organization to have a language or a style of talking which would bring everyone closer. I work as a student assistant in the department and i have seen that the faculty and the chair have amazing bond. They have a very informal way of talking to each other. It is difficult for me to express the way they interact but one can easily tell that they are all friends and everyone from the chair to faculty to the office manager are treated the same way.

Week 11 - Two sided communication

I read an article which gave an example of an college and its dean who took also the decisions on his own and never took any ideas from the faculty members. The dean held meeting just to let the faculty members know what was to be done. The meetings were just for him to speak and others to listen, he never asked for opinions and suggestions that faculty members would have. This lead to a lot of communication gap among the faculty members and the dean and the culture became such that no one spoke or had any suggestions on the issues and people were not as much involved with the matters that were concerned to the college. By giving this example my point is that, it is very important to have an exchange of information from both the side. It is important to take suggestions and encourage debates on topics so that better results can be obtained

Saturday, November 1, 2008

week 10 - Communication and Sexual Harassment

This is a very debatable topic. Well I believe that both male and female undergo sexual harassment but it is often seen that women have an edge over men in this area. About 2 years ago I saw a very interesting hindi movie called “AITRAAZ “ in which they show that the boss’s wife sexually harasses one of the employees and when he “VICTIM” tries to report to the boss about this act of wife, the boss files a case again the employee for sexually harassing his wife. And then the whole drama where no one believes the employee but later he proves that he was the victim. The moral of the story, I believe if an individual is sexually harassed, he/she should raise a voice against it not for the mere benefits or to extract money but for the right reasons, and the reasons would be that no one else should be harassed by the same individual.

week 10 - Question of boundaries

The text books talks about the boundaries on page number 410. It is very interesting how companies today are being so cautious about the health of their employees. But to what extent should they be concerned is the question. I believe that companies taking care of the physical and psychological problems just shows that they are concerned about their employees and in turn they are benefited because when the employee is emotionally balanced he/she will perform better in his/her job. But to talk about companies firing employees for smoking, overweight, risky leisure activities etc, I think this is a personal choice of the employee. I mean if an employee is smoking when is not at work it should not concern the employer. I think if the companies are concerned about all these activities i would consider it as an intrusion in their personal life.