Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 5- Analysing Organizational Communication


The text book gives very good examples of the different kind of organizational communications such as symbols, narratives, relationships, meeting etc. And i agree that communication " isn't just the single message we can set apart from one other but the totality of interactions that form our context for understanding" . Communication can be even made by our actions. Back in India when i was doing my undergrad i had a lecturer who disliked people coming late in his class but never said anything to students who came in late instead he would be the first one to come to class, like 5 minutes before the class and this act of his made everyone come 5 minutes early to class. It was amazing, the whole semester everyone came in early to his class. Me and my friends would get late to the other class but never his. I would say that we responded to his action, i mean this was a communication of actions.

Analysis include variety of evidence or relevant data

Any person can communicate any kind of information but to believe in that communication it is important to have facts and relevant data. For example if i say that the population of Canada is more than India, no one will believe me because on analyzing based on the data and the facts available the comment will be proved wrong. So while making strong comments or even writing about them it is essential that the comment should be based on facts and evidence.


Surveys can be used for many purposes, such as to know what the employees think of their work environment, what are the requirements of customers, feedback from students about the lecturers. For example if a company is thinking of improvising their product they need to prepare a relevant list of questions and hit the right market they are making the product for and conduct the survey. This will help them know what the customer wants and the area in which they should head to achieve the demand.


I agree with the text book that semi-structured interviews are most useful interview formats for organizational communication research as the questions are focused on the interest of the interviewee and in a way that he/she can express his/her opinion. A lot of information can be gathered from an interviewee and the interviewee is not restricted to just the questions asked, it is observed so often that in interviews the interviewee start sharing their experiences through which one can gain lot of knowledge.

Paying attention to what is not present

For example, if a lecturer misses to give the location of his office in the green sheet but provides all the information of his office hours and availability, it is pointless because to be able to meet the lecturer the students will need his location without which his office hours have no much importance. So yes i agree with the text book when it explains "Noting the absence of certain things"

1 comment:

Sree said...

I agree with your analysis, actions speak louder than words even we are trying to communicate a message. But the challenge is to achieve this in a global environment where it might be very difficult for other people to see the actions ad even if they do it might not be as effective as of they are physicality there where we are.

I always had issues with people coming late to anything and used to get visibly frustrated when someone is late even a few minutes. But after learning and reading about how culture might influence some people's respect for time it helped me in dealing with it.