Saturday, September 13, 2008

Week3. Organization Communication Technologies

It has become difficult to update ourselves with the ever changing technology with a new invention almost everyday. The technology that came just a month or few weeks ago becomes obsolete quickly sometimes before even being aware of the new advances that technology has made one gets to hear about another recent technology. The way in which the technology has impacted us can be seen in our everyday activities. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is check my emails which was not the case when I was younger when there was not as much technology involvement in my life. Ten or twelve years ago I did not even know that online classes even existed where you do not have to physically be present in a room with teacher and classmates, but here I am taking an online course and absolutely enjoying the experience. Technology has made it possible for all of us to be able to take BUS244 and actually get to know each other when we read each others blogs. There is exchange of ideas and opinions online and the best part is that it can be done at individuals’ time availability and none of the information is lost. The idea is good and its fun for me as this is my first online class but I would not want all my classes online, as for me face to face communications are preferable. Internet plays such a major role in our lives these days and when I talk about internet I have to talk about computers without which it has become hard to imagine getting things done.

Technology has both pros and corns’ for example telecommuting is the terminology used for people who work from home and they are connected with their office via internet, computer networking and fax which works perfectly for people who need to be at home for various reasons . Teleconferencing is another method for people from across the world to have meeting without actually having to leave their place. But with this kind of an arrangement it is hard to make friends and get to know people. The amount of face to face interaction and communication are decreased. The conversations and interaction remain only work related. Another example which I believe has major adverse effect is video games. Kids these days are more engrossed in playing video games which according to me is not all good. There is no physical exercise and kids do not learn how to play in big groups, share and interact with each other which is so important.

Technology is made available for us to make our lives easy but it really is in our hands to draw the line and decide how much of it we really want to use.

1 comment:

CommBuzz said...

I agree with your post that it often seems daunting to keep up with the virtual (pun intended)avalanche of new technology. As our text pointed out most people only use about a quarter of the available features on most gadgets. I was thinking about that statement as I was programming my new cell phone. After setting up the basics, I waited for weeks to customize some features, while ignoring others I probably won't use. As the number of communication and tech choices continues to grow I manage my options by determining what my needs are first, and buying technology afterward. Some of my friends run out to buy the latest electronic toys the minute they appear on the market, allowing their fascination with technology to make purchasing for them.