Saturday, September 6, 2008

Communication - Almost impossible to live without

Communication in the simplest terms is exchange of ideas, thoughts and opinions with one another or in a group. Communication can be done in many forms such as letters,memos, talking in person, exchanging emails, metaphors, meetings and even text messages.

In an organization effective communication is very important so that the right message is conveyed at all levels. Previously there was bureaucracy in organization where the employees did not have any say in the work procedures, but now things have changed. We have democracy in the organizations where the employees are considered a major part and their opinions are considered to be of great value. Another change that has been observed is that the organizations communicate with their customers to know about their needs, likes and dislikes. Surveys are conducted to know the customers better so that they know exactly what the customer expects and what they need to do to deliver.

Almost all organizations have vision statement, mission statement, long term goals, short term goals, and objectives which tells exactly what kind of company or institute it is, where it stands and where it wants to reach. These theories are very important which keep reminding the employees what they are reaching for . And it aldo gives an idea of where they are and where they need to get at.

1 comment:

Mansoor said...

Very well said, without having proper communication among the members of an organization, its almost impossible to achieve the final missions and goals of that organization. Now a days Email has become the most common and effect mode of communication across the organizations. Because whatever has been said or conveyed is preserved for later reference.

Communication with customers plays a very important role as well. Without knowing what customer desires to have, its very hard to provide something that he/she will buy. So channel of communication among the organization as well as with the customer plays a vital role in the progress and growth of a business.