Saturday, December 6, 2008

week15-Global Business Communication – focus on Intercultural Mannerisms.

First of all i really liked the topic and i think it gives an important information that is necessary for us to learn as the world is becoming more and more global and it is important to understand and be sensitive towards different cultures. I think the personal interest and introduction do a very good job in explain why the topic was chosen and it is even able to creat interest in reading the web poster. The findings are very relevant to the topic and there is some decent amount of work that can be done in the future. I really enjoyed reading this web poster.

week 15- Buliding corporation through leadership

The image on this webposter is very interesting as it shows that the leader is keeping an eye on everyone and i am not very certain if that is what a leader really does or should be doing. Again the introduction makes it clear that the finding will help understand the leadership styles and it is very clearly mentioned that the webposter will be talking about different aspect of leadership. The personal interest was very strong and motivating and the author sounded very confident and the interest was explained very clearly and in the most simple way which makes it easy to understand. The findings are explained very well and there is perfect relevance to the topic.

Friday, December 5, 2008

week15- Cross cultural issues in USA and India organizations

This is an interesting topic and something i can relate to as i am from India and have lived there and pursuing my masters here in USA. The image is very relevant and the explanation is absolutely true, it is a fact there the there is an immense difference in the two cultures and the example of a simple handshake is used very well to demonstrate the difference in attitudes. The personal interest gives a very good explanation as to why this topic was chosen and i agree that personal experience is the best way of learning rather than reading papers.The conclusion does justice to the paper and i message is convey in the right manner.

week 15- Organizational Communications, Climate and Work-Related Outcomes

This webposter is very again very interesting and focus on the relationship between job satisfaction an organizational communication. After reading this webposter i found that i did not think of organizational communication to play a role in loyalty and job satisfaction. The classic research was presented very well and was very impressive and i found the measure of communication satisfaction very interesting, i am talking about the eight factors that are used to measure communication satisfaction. I learnt that organizational climate also plays a major role in job satisfaction and is connected to so many constraints. The conclusion does justice to the topic and is able to communicate the take away's of the webposter.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

week 15- leadership in organization culture

I liked this webposter and the related image is very relevant, interesting and funny at the same time. It tells us about the mentality of our leaders and how they do not pay attention and give importance to such issues. The introduction does good justice to the webposter and it explains how it is important for leaders to use theirs powers effectively and how the leadership style differ from country to country. Another thing i noticed about the findings was that the findings were very relevant and were topics that were covered in the text and what we learnt from the class. This was helpful in a way that it made the webposter easy to understand.